I really enjoyed watching the movie "2011: A space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick. One of the reasons why I liked the movie is that Kubrick utilizes the powerful music like "Thus Spoke Zarathustra " by Richard Strauss to create the extraordinary and fascinating mood of the film. Further, the music is being played several times during the film as it supports the theme of the film; human evolution and our dependency of technology. I am also amazed by the great animations and graphics that were used in this film considering that the film was made in 1968. The animations and graphics still seem modern and contemporary. Stanley Kubrick was very prophetic when he predicted that the humankind would depend so much on technology and some of the devices the characters use in the film bear resemblance to the modern devices like the iPod we use today.
What I did not like so much about the film were the slow pace and the lack of action. In comparison to contemporary films of the 21-century, with upbeat pace and typically a lot of action, I find "2011: A space Odyssey" too slow.
All in all, I liked the film very much.